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What is the key to stainless steel hardware products to determine the life of furniture?

2019-10-10 00:00:00

When it comes to furniture, stainless steel hardware is very inconspicuous, so people are very easily overlooked. In fact, improper use of stainless steel hardware products and improper maintenance will shorten the life of the cabinet. So how do we make it last longer? Then we need to take good care of it. Stainless steel hardware products in the kitchen mainly include rice buckets, baskets, hinges, slide rails, etc. The materials of these items are generally made of stainless steel or iron surface spraying and spraying treatment. All hardware should be kept dry. If it is wet, it should be wiped dry in time to prevent water marks or rust. For hinges and slide rails, lubricating oil should be added regularly to ensure smooth opening and closing of the components. Do not hang heavy objects and wet objects on the handle, if you loosen the screws on the back of it, you can adjust it.   In fact, these are relatively simple steps. What should we pay attention to? Avoid pouring salt, sugar, soy sauce and other condiments directly on the hardware. If it happens accidentally, it should be wiped clean in time. The hinges on the door panel should be regularly oiled and adjusted to keep them open and closed freely. When opening and closing the drawer, attention should be paid to moderate force to prevent the slide rail from being hit. For high-lift baskets and corner baskets, attention should be paid to the direction of rotation and stretching, and no dead force should be used.

Many times, as long as we pay attention, we can increase the life of many things. There are many types of furniture today. Now occupying a large market share is panel furniture. Because the plate is not easy to deform and has various colors, it is loved by many people. What is panel furniture? Panel furniture refers to furniture that is connected by man-made panels and hardware. Then when we are choosing, the connection of stainless steel hardware products is very important and cannot be ignored. Stainless steel hardware connectors are an intuitive quality standard. Good hardware should be free to switch, no noise, and no peeling of the surface coating. Its advantage is that it can be disassembled and assembled at will.

Stainless steel hardware processing

Metal parts should be dexterous, smooth, with good surface plating, without rust, burrs, etc. The precision should be high. The plastic parts should be beautiful in shape and bright in color, and the focus part in use should have strength and elasticity, and should not be too thin. The open connector requires flexible rotation, so that the furniture will be smooth and easy to open and use, and there will be no friction sound. Some stainless steel hardware products of panel furniture are imported, and foreign language signs can be found on them. In this kind of furniture, the role of stainless steel hardware is so great.  


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