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Analysis of electronic cigarette accessories pressure regulating rod and mechanical rod, what is the difference between the two?

2019-10-10 00:00:00

First of all, let's take a look at the structure of the electronic cigarette. The electronic cigarette accessories have a battery rod and an atomizer. Among them, the pressure regulating cigarette rod has a circuit board, while the mechanical cigarette rod has no circuit board.

The pressure regulating rod has the function of adjusting the voltage. The voltage is adjusted according to the resistance of the atomizer. The function of adjusting the voltage allows the user to choose the desired amount of smoke and taste.

The mechanical cigarette rod is a type of cigarette rod that cannot be adjusted in voltage. The mechanical cigarette rod is usually just a stainless steel tube, and the user needs to purchase a suitable battery for the cigarette rod.

E-cigarette accessories

The battery usually used for mechanical cigarette rods is 3.7V lithium battery, and most of the lithium batteries are 18650, 18350, and some unique mechanical cigarette rods can use other models of lithium batteries. Here we explain that the pressure regulating rod generally uses polymer batteries, and the slightly better pressure regulating rod can use 18650 and 18350 or other types of lithium batteries. The pressure regulating rod is limited by the circuit board, so the pressure regulating rod releases The current power is about 2A to 3.5A, and the voltage is about 3V to 5V, and has a low resistance limit generally below 1 ohm, after which the battery pole does not work. The mechanical cigarette rod is directly discharged through the lithium battery, and the current power is about 6A. The power difference between the two is almost half, and the mechanical cigarette rod does not limit the low resistance. The lithium battery gradually reduces the voltage according to the remaining capacity. The voltage of the fully charged state is 4.2V, and the low voltage is 2.75V.


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